FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner

At what point can a woman discontinue routine cervical cancer screening?
  1. At age 65 if her pap smear is normal and she has no new sexual partners
  2. At age 65 if she has adequate negative cervical cancer screening and no CIN2+ within the past 20 years
  3. At age 65 regardless of her sexual and cervical cancer screening histories
Answer: B - ASCCP guidelines support exiting women from cervical cancer screening at age 65 with adequate negative screening and no CIN2+ within the past 20 years. Adequate negative screening is defined as three consecutive negative paps or two consecutive negative HPV tests within the past 10 years, with the most recent being within the past five years. Sexual history has no impact on the decision to exit a patient from cervical cancer screening.
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