FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner

Your regular wellness patient, a 26-year-old female, comes to the clinic for her second pre-natal examination. On physical assessment, bluish discoloration of the mucus membranes of the cervix, vagina, and vulva is noted. This probable sign of pregnancy is called:

  1. Goodell’s sign
  2. Hegar’s sign
  3. Chadwick’s sign
  4. Ballottement
  5. None of the above
Answer: C - The client demonstrates the Chadwick’s sign, a probable sign occurring about at about six weeks of pregnancy. Goodell’s sign is the softening of the cervix. It occurs at the start of the second month. Hegar’s sign is the softening and thinning of the lower segment of the uterus. It occurs at about six weeks of pregnancy. Ballottement is the rebounding of the fetus against the examiner’s fingers.
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