Your notes indicate that at the treatment center, your patient was administered charcoal during an overdose incident. The reason for giving charcoal was likely:

  1. Induce vomiting
  2. Absorb drug toxins
  3. Decrease serum dug levels
  4. Cause quick evacuation of pill fragments
  5. All of the above

Answer: B - Activated charcoal is widely used in healthcare facilities as an adsorbent for managing patients with drug overdoses and poisonings. Activated charcoal can be used orally to prevent drug and poison absorption in overdose and poisoning cases. The primary reason for administering charcoal is to avoid the absorption of toxins into the system. Charcoal is not used to induce vomiting or diarrhea. It does not reduce current drug levels but helps reduce additional absorption.

Sources: JAMA

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