Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

Category - Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

Your client begins court-ordered therapy for a opioid problem. The patient is a functional user, and denies being controlled by drugs and is not interested in abstinence. The counselor focuses on moderation goals help the social worker focus on treatment rather than a quick process of change. The counselor also suggests the referring spouse educate herself on the usage nalaxone. What kind of support is being offered?

  1. Moderation affect
  2. Self-actualization
  3. Harm reduction
  4. Symbolic control

Answer: C - Harm reduction is the best acceptable goal in many cases of substance abusers. Clinical studies have shown the pursuit of abstinence may cause the urge to rebel through excessive use. Harm reduction sets a goal for the client to obtain self-sufficiency, optimal health, and satisfaction. Education a partner on nalaxone is also a harm reduction strategy to protect the patient. 

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