Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

Category - Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

One of your clients is a young mother of two young children with previous substance abuse issues. She is now pregnant again. During her most recent therapy session, it accidentally slips out that she is having four drinks daily and she is using cocaine occasionally. The woman looks okay physically and is not “high” at the therapy session, so you are surprised by the admission. What do you do?

  1. Lecture her and give her a pamphlet on the dangers of drinking during pregnancy.
  2. Tell her you will look into a possible substance abuse treatment program for her.
  3. Tell her you will look into a possible substance abuse treatment program for her, but that you also have to notify Child Protective Services.
  4. Tell her you will look into a possible substance abuse treatment program for her, but that you also have to notify Adult Protective Services.

Answer: C - While the counselor should certainly try to help the woman find an appropriate drug/alcohol treatment program, the psychologist is also mandated by law to notify Child Protective Services (CPS) because of the risk to both the 5-year-old child in the house and the unborn child. The client has the right to know that the psychologist will be making the report, and this should be done in as supportive a manner as possible.  Note that requirements for reporting and process may differ by state.

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