Which of the following sentences provides an example of agreement between a pronoun and its antecedent?
  1. Several of the guests had mailed their gifts prior to the party.
  2. One of the runners was showing their fatigue.
  3. Each of the officials has worked to protect their own interests.
  4. Neither of the children likes to share their toys.
Correct Response: A. The antecedent of a pronoun is the word to which the pronoun refers. The pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number and person. In the sentence for A, the third-person, plural pronoun their agrees with its antecedent several, which is plural.   In the sentences for B, C, and D, the third-person pronoun their does not agree with its antecedent (one, each, and neither, respectively), which in every case is singular.
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