MTEL Foundations of Reading

Category - Foundations of Reading

Which of the following instructional strategies would be most effective in promoting students' decoding of multisyllable words that are not multimorphemic?
  1. Giving students opportunities to read literature featuring predictable text containing multisyllable words.
  2. Teaching students how to divide multisyllable words into syllables according to common syllable types.
  3. Prompting students to sound out and blend the individual phonemes that compose multisyllable words.
  4. Developing and reinforcing students' recognition of high-frequency multisyllable words using flash cards.
Correct Response: B. Option B is correct because the syllables in multisyllable words that are not multimorphemic (i.e., words that do not contain affixes) follow the same syllable types as those in single-syllable words (e.g., closed, open, r-controlled, vowel team). Thus, teaching students to recognize multisyllable words as a series of syllables allows them to apply their prior knowledge of syllable types to decode longer words accurately and efficiently. This strategy also supports them in applying syllable-division strategies to unfamiliar words. Option A is incorrect because reading predictable text is typically used with emergent readers and is not appropriate for teaching decoding of multisyllable words. Option C is incorrect because sounding out multisyllable words letter by letter is not an efficient strategy for decoding longer words. In addition, it does not encourage students to apply syllable-division strategies. Option D is incorrect because simply practicing memorizing high-frequency multisyllable words using flash cards does not provide students with a strategy for accurately decoding unfamiliar multisyllable words encountered in texts.
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