MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

A young couple agree that they would like to have a child soon, but they would also like to pursue advanced educational degrees in their respective fields. The partners agree that while they have the same goals, they can't decide how to implement them. Which of the following steps would be most helpful for the couple to take next in this decision-making process?
  1. Brainstorm multiple options and time frames for achieving and managing the goals and review and discuss all ideas generated.
  2. Establish a time frame in which to achieve the goals but avoid discussing logistics until they can consult with a third party.
  3. Compare and contrast how having a child versus having advanced degrees will affect their relationship and lifestyle.
  4. Decide together whether having a child or pursuing advanced degrees is more important, then devote efforts to the choice.
Correct Response: A. Brainstorming multiple options and time frames allows the greatest flexibility in the decision-making process. Merely setting a time frame to decide and then consulting a third party (B) delays dealing with an important decision and shifts the responsibility for a private decision from the couple to an outsider. Thinking only of how the couple's lives would be affected by choosing one option or the other (C) or prioritizing one choice over the other (D) assumes that there is no compromise option, making these approaches more restrictive than considering multiple possibilities. 
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