MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Which of the following is the most effective way to ensure that an accident victim receives a rapid medical response in an emergency?
  1. Contact the office of the victim's primary care physician.
  2. Dial 911 on a phone.
  3. Contact a medical specialist with appropriate treatment skills.
  4. Call the nearest hospital.
Correct Response: B. Dialing 911 connects the caller to an emergency dispatch center so that the appropriate emergency services (ambulance, police, etc.) can be immediately sent to the scene of the accident. In many cases, the dispatch center is automatically able to detect the location from which the call was placed, facilitating the dispatcher's ability to quickly send an ambulance or other emergency services. Contacting the victim's primary care physician (A) and/or an appropriate medical specialist (C) is likely to occur after the patient has been taken to the hospital and stabilized, but neither of these options is geared toward a rapid medical response. Although the nearest hospital will be notified that they have an incoming patient (D), this will be done by the emergency dispatcher after 911 has been called. 
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