MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Which of the following types of activities is likely to be most effective for promoting middle school students' understanding and application of substance abuse prevention strategies?
  1. Having students view materials or videos that depict the legal consequences of underage drinking and use of illicit drugs.
  2. Having students practice assertive refusal skills in role plays in which they are pressured by peers to try alcohol or drugs.
  3. Asking students to conduct research and write about the effects of alcohol, tobacco, or a particular class of drugs.
  4. Asking students to look through magazines for tobacco and alcohol advertisements and analyze persuasive messages in the ads.
Correct Response: B. Using interactive teaching methods, such as role-plays or scripted group activities, in which students practice assertive communication skills for resisting and refusing alcohol and drugs, helps build student confidence and prepares students for using the skills in real-life situations. Informing students about the legal consequences of underage drinking and the use of illicit drugs (A) has not had a research-supported impact on drug abuse prevention with this age group. Similarly, students writing about the effects of alcohol, tobacco, or a particular class of drugs (C) is less effective than engaging in activities with peers such as role playing. Although teaching students to be alert to persuasive advertisements for addictive substances is a good idea (D), it is not the most effective activity for developing prevention strategies.
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