MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Which of the following best describes a common characteristic of chicken pox, measles, tetanus, diphtheria, and polio?
  1. They are all caused by bacterial organisms.
  2. They all do major damage to the immune system.
  3. They are all diseases of the circulatory system.
  4. They can all be prevented with vaccines.
Correct Response: D. Vaccines have been developed against chicken pox, measles, tetanus, diphtheria, and polio. Each of these vaccines is on the list of recommended childhood vaccinations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of these illnesses, only tetanus and diphtheria are caused by bacteria (A). The others are caused by viruses. None of these illnesses typically damage the immune system (B) or are considered to be diseases of the circulatory system (C).
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