MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

According to research into human development, which of the following factors typically exerts the strongest positive influence on the emotional health and wellness of older adults?
  1. Continuing to work full time until well past the traditional retirement age range.
  2. Becoming a primary caregiver to grandchildren or other young family members.
  3. Exploring a variety of alternative lifestyles and self-improvement programs.
  4. Sustaining close relationships with friends, siblings, and extended family members.
Correct Response: D. According to the American Society on Aging, positive social relationships have an important impact on physical and emotional health. Research across different demographic spectra indicates that people with strong relationships have a significantly higher survival rate than those without such relationships. While physical and mental benefits have been shown for people who elect to work part-time during retirement, full-time work well past the traditional retirement age (A) may indicate financial burdens that would strain health. Similarly, whereas occasional care of young family members offers emotional health benefits, being a primary caregiver to grandchildren (B) may exert emotional and other pressures on older adults. Finally, while many older adults derive pleasure from pursuing new opportunities, exploration of numerous alternative lifestyles and self-improvement programs (C) may suggest ongoing discontent.
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