MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

Polymerization is a process used to produce which of the following materials?
  1. Ball bearings
  2. Textiles
  3. Metallic wire
  4. Plastics
Correct Response: D. Polymerization is a process that takes small molecules called monomers and combines them together into very long molecular chains called polymers. The original substance tends to be in the form of a viscous fluid. After polymerization, the longer polymer chain molecules form a microscopic mesh giving the newly formed plastics a semi-rigid structure. Ball bearings (A) are produced by a process called cold heading where short pieces of metal wire are smashed between hemispherical forms. While some textiles (B) are made from plastic fibers (which are made through polymerization), the actual textiles are woven on looms from a variety of different types of fiber. Metallic wire (C) is made by drawing a thick metal rod through dies that stretch and narrow the rod until it is at the specified gauge.
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