MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

A person using a wrench to tighten a bolt applies excessive pressure and snaps the bolt. Which of the following types of forces is the primary cause of the failure of the part?
  1. Torsion
  2. Shear
  3. Compression
  4. Tension
Correct Response: A. In this case, the failure is due to an excessive twisting of the bolt. A twisting force (two opposite torques around the same axis) is called torsion. Shear (B) is caused by two non- collinear forces acting in opposite parallel directions. Compression (C) is caused by two collinear forces acting in opposite directions towards the interior of an object. Tension (D) is caused by two collinear forces acting in opposite directions towards the exterior of an object. Torsion (A) is the only type of force that caused the failure in this situation.
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