MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

Which of the following features is an important advantage of slab-on-grade foundations over slab-and-crawl-space foundations?
  1. Construction is less costly and takes less time.
  2. Plumbing and wiring are easily accessible.
  3. Heat is easily conducted out of the house.
  4. Footings are protected from weather and humidity.
Correct Response: A. A major advantage of slab-on-grade foundations over slab-and-crawl-space foundations is that they do not require deep excavations and cement basement walls. This can result in major cost and time savings due to the need for less material and less labor. This can be especially true if blasting is required. One disadvantage is that plumbing and wiring are typically embedded in the cement slab, making them inaccessible (B). Heat loss through the slab (C) is another disadvantage since incorporating insulation is made more difficult. When it comes to protecting footings from weather and humidity (D), the footings of a slab-on-grade foundation are closer to grade, and hence more vulnerable.
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