MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

State and local building codes are primarily intended to perform which of the following functions?
  1. Protecting environmentally sensitive areas from development that could degrade natural habitats.
  2. Guiding the growth and development of towns and cities by designating areas for various uses.
  3. Specifying materials and procedures that should be followed in building projects in order to ensure safety and sound construction.
  4. Ensuring that the most recent innovations in the construction industry are incorporated into building projects.
Correct Response: C. State and local building codes are intended to ensure minimum standards for safety and sound construction of building projects. They are not intended to ensure that every building project makes use of the most recent innovations in the construction industry (D). The codes are not intended to protect environmentally sensitive areas from development (A). That responsibility would fall under the National Environmental Policy Act. The codes are not intended to guide the growth and development of towns and cities (B). That responsibility would fall under the regional zoning codes.
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