CRNE Exam Prep

Category - Professionalism

Nicolas is a 38-year-old male who is admitted to the facility after a drinking spree. The client is staggering and confused. The client becomes verbally abusive after a registered nurse refused to let him have a smoke inside the emergency department. The nurse asks a group of nurses to obtain leather restraints. The RN threatens to place Nicolas in restraints if he does not calm down. The client can legally charge the nurse with which of the following?
  1. Negligence
  2. Assault
  3. Battery
  4. Invasion of privacy
Answer: B - The registered nurse can be charged with assault. An assault occurs when a person threatens another of harmful contact. The nurse may initially utilize other methods to deal with a confused client. Negligence is an act of commission or omission that causes substandard care. Battery is an intentional touching of another’s body without the other’s consent. Invasion of privacy may be charged if the nurse unreasonably intrudes into the client’s private affairs.
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