Category - Logical Reasoning

Ilana: “I just read an article in the newspaper which claims that children who listen to rap music are more prone to violence. We should make sure our children are not exposed to rap music with violent lyrics.”

Michael: “We will do no such thing. That article only applied to children under the age of 10, and the youngest of our kids is 11. We don't have to restrict them from listening to rap music.”

Michael’s argument against Ilana makes which of the following errors in reasoning?
  1. It relies upon the same source as Ilana used in her argument.
  2. It confuses undermining an argument in support of a conclusion for undermining the conclusion itself.
  3. It does not address the main point of Ilana’s argument.
  4. It criticizes Ilana’s character without criticizing her argument.
  5. It fails to distinguish the consequences and causes of a practice.
Answer: B - Michael’s argument against Ilana confuses undermining an argument in support of a conclusion for undermining the conclusion itself. Michael undermines the study Ilana cites by showing it does not apply to their children, but fails to further explain why Ilana’s ultimate conclusion is wrong. Therefore, B is the correct answer.
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