Category - XP

You need to perform an unattended installation from a Windows XP Professional CD-ROM on a computer that does not currently have an operating system. You want to provide the computer name and Administrator password on a floppy disk. Which of the following would be your answer file name?
  1. Answer.txt
  2. Unattend.txt
  3. Winnt.sif
  4. Winnt32.sif
Answer - C - Winnt.sif has the same sections as the Unattend.txt file, and is to be used when performing unattended installations on computers that do not currently have an operating system.

Key Takeaway: Although Unattend.txt is the same as Winnt.sif, it is used for unattended installations where the computer currently has an operating system. During an unattended installation (either using Unattend.txt or Winnt.sif) , you would place this file on a floppy disk and insert the floppy disk into the computer immediately after the computer begins to boot from the CD-ROM.
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