AP US History Exam Prep

Category - AP US History

True or false: France recognized the Confederate States of America as a legitimate nation.

  1. True
  2. False

The Confederacy was not recognized internationally as a legitimate nation by any country.

This was in spite of some effort by the CSA to create meaningful alliances.  In 1861, Jefferson Davis became the first President of the Confederate States of America. Almost immediately he appointed William Yancey, Pierre Rost, and A. Dudley Mann as Confederate diplomats.
The CSA reached out to England, France, Belgium and Russia for alliances due to either to their power in the world or their geographic location, or both.  After being appointed to their roles, the Confederate Secretary of State, Robert Toombs, instructed them regarding their assignments with the foreign powers. They were to portray the Confederacy as a victim of northern aggression and greed, without focusing on the reasons for secession, e.g. slavery.  However, the CSA had little success generating diplomatic, military, or financial support.  This was ultimately a factor in their defeat.
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