ATF Special Agent Exam Prep

Category - ICE Special Agent

Agent Y was asked to conduct a detailed interview with a suspect. After 2 hours, the agent had completed 4/9 of the interview. Continuing at this same rate, how long did it take Agent Y to complete the entire interview?
  1. 3.5 hrs
  2. 4 hrs
  3. 4.5 hrs
  4. 5 hrs
  5. None of these
Answer: C - Agent Y completed one segment of the interview, that is, 4/9 of the interview, in 2 hours. One compete interview can be divided into 2 1/4 segments, 1 ÷ 4/9 = 9/4 = 2 1/4. We can multiply the number of segments, 2 1/4, by the number of hours each segment takes to complete, 2, in order to calculate the number of hours to complete the entire interview: 2 1/4 x 2 = 4 1/2.
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