Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Departing the club after teaching a particularly stellar Weight Training class, you notice a woman lying at the bottom of the stairs, moaning and clutching her ankle. As the first responder on the scene, you assess the situation and note the following signs and symptoms in the victim’s ankle: significant swelling, bruising, an inability to weight bear, and a difference in angle and positioning from the other side. Which of the following is MOST likely to be the cause?
  1. Bone spur
  2. Strain
  3. Fracture
  4. Tear of cartilage
Answer: C - Fractures are serious events, both because of the damage to the bone itself and because of the cascade of events that occur as the body responds to the injury. One of the key signs of fracture is a deformity or angulation, especially notable when comparing from side to side. Severe ligamentous tears (not offered as an option in the answers) can cause similar symptoms to a fracture, including: swelling, bruising, an inability to bear weight, an audible noise at the time of injury, severe pain, severe weakness and loss of function. Massive ligamentous tears can even cause joint deformity. Thus, it is essential that the victim seeks medical care to determine the nature of the underlying injury.
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