Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

One of the most noticeable physical differences between men and women is the presence - or absence -- of body fat. Because men do not need nearly the quantity of essential body fat, their total amount of fat is often much lower than their female counterparts. What is the ESSENTIAL level of body fat for women?
  1. 2-5%
  2. 6-9%
  3. 10-13%
  4. 12-16%
Answer: D - Women need approximately 10-13% body fat to live. Keep in mind that essential body fat is different from the recommended minimums suggested to women; essential body fat is the amount of fat thought to be essential to the preservation of life. This level provides the minimum fat needed to properly cushion organs, coat nerves and provide immediate energy stores.
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