Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

As a general rule, an individual infected with the HIV virus should continue to be active. However, ONE of the following conditions should signal the need to discontinue competition and not exercise to exhaustion. Which one?
  1. A CD4 count above 500
  2. A CD4 count below 500
  3. A T-helper count above 500
  4. A cortisol count below 500
Answer: B - For people with CD4 counts around 500, the daily flux in CD4 cell levels can leave them vulnerable to infections that are normally easily contained. CD4 cells - also called T4 or T-Helper cells -are part of the body’s defense system. In general, individuals with CD4 counts greater than 500 cells/mm3 are not at risk for opportunistic infections. Once CD4 counts drop lower than 200, the HIV infection has moved into a full-blown AIDS disease process. Of special note, individuals with such a loss in infection control mechanisms should not get into a public pool. Why? Although a properly disinfected swimming pool has a low rate of infection potential, fecal and other contaminants may exist for short periods of time and the risks far outweigh the benefits.
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