Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

One of the responsibilities of the Group Fitness Instructor (GFI) is to comply with all applicable laws. Which of the following is the BEST example of a GFI breaching applicable laws?
  1. Disclosing conflicts of interest in business relationships
  2. Obtaining a performance or blanket license for music played in class
  3. Providing a user-operated lift for access into the swimming pool
  4. Receiving payment for exclusive promotion of a product in class
Answer: D - Receiving payment for exclusive promotion of a product in class is an example of a GFI breaching applicable laws. It is important for the GFI to disclose any sponsorship, promotional or other business relationships with product retailers or manufacturers. The class participant has the right to assume that their instructor’s recommendations are based on nothing more than the product’s caliber. Additionally, indiscriminate product endorsement, even when properly disclosed, can dilute the value of your brand, the club’s brand, and the industry-at-large.
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