Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Group Fitness Instructors (GFIs) do not typically perform individualized testing of VT1 (first ventilatory threshold) to determine optimum target heart rate zones. Instead, in a group format, the instructor can educate participants in finding their ideal “workout zone” by instructing them to check their “_____” at the moment that they can no longer talk comfortably.
  1. Comfort
  2. Heart rate
  3. Dyspnea
  4. Pain
Answer: C - The first ventilatory threshold - also referenced as the “crossover” point - is the point at which the body starts to accumulate lactic acid in the blood stream; it manifests as an increase in the rate of respirations. The GFI should cue participants to watch for the signs of VT1 (“able to talk, but just barely”) and then perform a heart rate assessment. This will give class members a better idea of what an appropriate target heart rate for exercise should be.
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