Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

The fitness professional should always seek “informed consent” prior to performing an exercise test. While obtaining consent, which of the following procedures is NOT suggested by the American Council on Exercise (ACE)?
  1. Informing the participant of alternative programs or tests
  2. Providing the participant with an exercise prescription based on their test results
  3. Informing the participant of possible discomforts
  4. Clearly stating the dangers of the procedure
Answer: B - While obtaining informed consent, the fitness professional should never provide any exercise prescription; in fact, it is not in the scope of practice of the fitness instructor to prescribe. Rather, ACE recommends the following procedures be followed when obtaining consent: inform the patient of the program, the risks involved, the benefits, the alternatives, solicit questions and provide unbiased answers, inform the patient of right to discontinue participation, and obtain written consent.
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