Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Group fitness classes do not need to be one size fits all. Which of the following is the LEAST effective method to make a group class more individualized?
  1. In weight-bearing cardio classes, cueing the participant to lengthen the lever arm (the leg) whenever able
  2. In weight lifting classes, cueing the participant to focus more on the muscular contraction than on increasing the velocity of the lift
  3. In an indoor cycling class, cueing the participant to tighten the resistance to setting #4 on the dial
  4. In an aquatic exercise class, telling people to increase the velocity of movement to tolerance
Answer: C - The Group Fitness Instructor should never assume that everyone in class is at the same level of fitness; thus, an instruction that insists on all participants working at a certain level is inappropriate. Example of a one-size fits all instruction would be suggesting that everyone: use setting #4 on the cycle; use 8 pound weights in resistance class; or use the yellow resistance paddles in aquatics. It is better to cue the participant to examine their breathing and effort and then to increase (or decrease) their intensity by lengthening levers, changing use of momentum, increasing arc of movement, adding weight and more.
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