Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

One of the responsibilities of the Group Fitness Instructor (GFI) is to look for warning signs that class members are exercising at an unsustainable level. Which of the following is the LEAST likely to be a red flag that can be observed any time during group class?
  1. Participant repeatedly trips on the edge of his aerobic step
  2. Participant uses poor form during a lateral deltoid lift
  3. Participant begins to turn red and sweat excessively during the dance element
  4. Participant experiences over 90% of maximum heart rate while riding the cycle
Answer: D - Although a dramatic increase in heart rate may be a clear sign of overexertion, it cannot serve the GFI as a red flag because it must be individually assessed. Classic signs of overexertion that a GFI is able to monitor any time during class include: a marked degradation in the ability to execute movements that were initially achievable; “cheating” behaviors (such as locking elbows or overusing momentum to perform a lift); labored breathing; excessive sweating and loss of balance episodes.
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