Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

When instructing an exercise class, one of the fundamental rules is to follow the three S’s. What are these common group fitness safety recommendations?
  1. Simplicity, safety and stability
  2. Slow-to-fast, safety and sequencing
  3. Safety, specificity and stability
  4. Stretching, specificity and sequencing
Answer: A - The three S’s in group exercise safety recommendations stand for: Simplicity, safety and stability. Complex choreography is difficult to master and the novice Group Fitness Instructor will lose control of the class easily by attempting tasks that are too biomechanically complex. GFIs must remember that it takes time for the class to recognize that the instructor has changed movements, to visually assess the new movement, to motor plan that movement, to execute the new motor plan and then to enjoy a feeling of mastery of the movement prior to moving on. Both safety and stability should be seen as core concepts for all exercise components. Neither should ever be sacrificed in an attempt to introduce novelty or excitement to a class.
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