ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam Prep

Category - Medical-Surgical Nursing Practice Test

You are teaching Mr. Joseph dela Rosa, a 36-year-old taxi driver who was diagnosed with a new onset of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Which of the following statements by the client best indicates that he correctly understands how to manage this disease?
  1. “I should limit my sodium intake to 2 grams daily.”
  2. “I should report constipation or fatigue to the doctor.”
  3. “I should drink at least 3,000 cc or 10 glasses of water daily.”
  4. “I should limit my fluid intake to approximately 800 cc or 4 glasses of water daily.”
Answer - D - “I should limit my fluid intake to approximately 800 cc or 4 glasses of water daily.” In SIADH there is excess secretion of ADH that causes fluid retention, dilutes the plasma causing suppression of aldosterone, and increases renal excretion of sodium. Water then moves into the cells from the plasma and interstitial spaces causing cellular edema. The treatment is fluid restriction and hypertonic saline infusion. Choices A and C are the opposite of standard treatment and are incorrect. Choice B is unrelated to this client.
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