ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam Prep

Category - Medical-Surgical Nursing Practice Test

A child admitted to rule out intussusception is scheduled for a barium enema. The nurse should teach the child’s parents that the major purpose of this procedure is to:
  1. Confirm the diagnosis
  2. Reduce the telescoping
  3. Ease the passage of stool
  4. Provide symptomatic relief
Answer - A - The definitive diagnosis of intussusception is based on a barium enema, which clearly demonstrates the telescoping of the bowel wall, which blocks the flow of the barium. Choice B is incorrect because although a secondary effect may be a nonsurgical reduction of the telescoping (which may occur due to hydrostatic pressure), this is uncertain and is not the main reason the procedure is performed. Choices C and D are incorrect because a barium enema is not administered to ease passage of stool or to provide symptomatic relief.
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