Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

Category - Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep

 A treatment plan is an assessment of the resources a client can use to achieve the goals established by the client and the counselor. The goals will be both long- term and short-term. The plan will identify the strengths and weaknesses, along with planned treatment methods that will be used to reach the goals. 
 What treatment resources might be listed for a fifty-year-old widowed man, employed as an investment broker for thirty years, who lives alone in a large city, and whose goal is to continue sobriety?
  1. A local AA chapter
  2. A local poker group
  3. A local Kiwanis club
  4. All of the above
  5. A&C
Answers: E (both choices A&C) - A sobriety support group like AA and a volunteer organization like Kiwanis would be excellent sources for a newly sober single man living alone. These two resources would provide the possibility for social interaction without the temptation of proximity to alcohol. A poker group would probably expose this man to alcohol and possibly lead him to develop a gambling addiction as well, so it is not recommended as a resource.
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