CompTIA Server+ Exam Prep

Category - Server+

John wants to install a new application on all employee computers. The employees are concerned that the computer will slow down if the application is installed. What should John do?
  1. Run an installation baseline on employee systems and test the performance.
  2. Should not install the new program, based on the concerns of the affected employees.
  3. Skip the baseline and install the new program.
  4. Run an installation baseline on the test system first and test the performance.
Answer - D - John should run an installation baseline on the test system first and test the performance before installing it on the employees’ systems.

Key Takeaway: It is very important to consider employees’ concerns when a new program is installed. When a new program is installed, many times this initiates resistance from employees. It is fair to test the application on a test system, record the results, and install the program when the employees are satisfied with the results.
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