AP US History Exam Prep

Category - AP US History

Which of the following is one of the events that led Kansas to be called “Bleeding Kansas” in 1856?
  1. John Brown storming Harper’s Ferry
  2. Passing the Fugitive Slave Law
  3. Shadrach’s fight against men enforcing the Fugitive Slave Law
  4. Pro-slavery men attacking Lawrence, KS
Answer - D - Pro-slavery men attacking Lawrence is one of the events that led people to refer to Kansas as “Bleeding Kansas” in 1856.

Key Takeaway: Under the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Illinois Senator Stephen Douglas organized the territory that would eventually become Kansas and Nebraska. Douglas’s bill stated that the question of slavery would be left up to the voters of the state. This ability to choose ultimately led to a mini Civil War in the territory. People on both sides of the slavery issue engaged in acts of violence that gave the territory the term “Bleeding Kansas.”
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