LSAT Exam Prep (Reasoning)

Category - Reasoning

A trucking company has three bays for loading and unloading delivery trucks, identified as Bay A, Bay B, and Bay C. The company also has five trucks that all need to be loaded for deliveries within one hour using only the three bays. Truck 1 will take 45 minutes to load. Truck 2 will take 25 minutes to load. Truck 3 will take 15 minutes to load. Truck 4 will take 35 minutes to load. Truck 5 will take 45 minutes to load. Which of the following answer choices will accomplish all of the loading within one hour?
  1. Load Truck 1 in Bay A, Trucks 2 and 4 in Bay B, and Trucks 3 and 5 in Bay C.
  2. Load Trucks 1 and 2 in Bay A, Truck 4 in Bay B, and Trucks 3 and 5 in Bay C.
  3. Load Trucks 1 and 4 in Bay A, Truck 2 in Bay B, and Trucks 3 and 5 in Bay C.
  4. Load Truck 1 in Bay A, Trucks 3 and 4 in Bay B, and Trucks 2 and 5 in Bay C.
Answer: A - Load Truck 1 in Bay A, Trucks 2 and 4 in Bay B, and Trucks 3 and 5 in Bay C. Answer A is correct because Truck 1 in Bay A will take 45 minutes, Trucks 2 and 4 in Bay B will take one hour, and Trucks 3 and 5 in Bay C will take one hour. Answer B is not correct because Trucks 1 and 2 in Bay A will take one hour and ten minutes. Answer C is not correct is not correct because Trucks 1 and 4 in Bay A will take one hour and 20 minutes. Answer D is not correct because Trucks 2 and 5 in Bay C will take one hour and ten minutes.
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