LSAT Exam Prep (Reasoning)

Category - Reasoning

Phrenology is the study of the size and shape of the skull and cranium as a means of determining mental abilities. Which of the following is most analogous to the description of phrenology?
  1. Astrology is a detailed study how of the planets and stars affect the personality and lives of individuals.
  2. Psychiatry is the study of the chemistry and biology of the brain and the effect on mental disorders.
  3. Biology is the study of living organisms, in particular plants and animals, subdivided into species and subspecies.
  4. Astrophysics is the study of the stars and planets and the effect of the laws of physics on the stars and planets.
Answer: A - Astrology is a detailed study how of the planets and stars affect the personality and lives of individuals. Answer A is the most analogous because both phrenology and astrology are based on a presumed, non-scientific connection between the study of something and human beings. Answer B is not the most analogous because psychiatry is based on a scientific approach to studying the connection between a study of something (chemistry and biology) and human beings. Answer C is not the most analogous because it describes a scientific study and because it describes the direct study of living organisms (not a connection between something and human beings). Answer D is not the most analogous because it describes a scientific study and because the connection does not involve human beings.
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