PgMP Program Manager Exam Prep

Category - Program Management

Newton Botswani is managing a program execution when he decides to initiate a project within the program. Which document will Newton need to authorize the project?
  1. Project management plan
  2. Project charter
  3. Program charter
  4. Authorize Projects
Answer - B - Newton will need the project charter to authorize the project within his program.

Key Takeaway: The project charter is a document to officially start a constituent project within a given program. The charter must document the need for the project, an understanding of the customer’s requirements for the project, and how the project’s deliverables will satisfy the customer’s requirements. A project charter should always include: justification for the project, a clear and detailed project description, how the project contributes to the overall objectives of the program, customer requirements, a list of participating departments, a project schedule and budget, and the name of the project manager and summary of his or her roles.
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