FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner

Your primary care patient calls the clinic and is having pain in both of her legs. You had previously referred her to cardiology and know that she is taking atorvastatin to treat her high cholesterol. You instruct her to:

  1. Stop taking the drug and make an appointment to be seen next week
  2. Continue taking the drug and make an appointment to be seen next week
  3. Walk for at least 30 minutes and call if symptoms continue
  4. Stop taking the drug and come to the clinic to be seen today
  5. Prescribe NSAIDs

Answer- D - You should instruct her to stop taking the drug immediately and come to the clinic for a consultation today, as well as notify the cardiologist. Muscle aches, soreness, and weakness may be early signs of myopathy, such as rhabdomyolysis associated with the HMG-CoA reductase class of antilipemic agents. This patient will need an immediate evaluation to rule out myopathy. Additional doses may exacerbate the problem. Exercise will not reverse myopathy and delay diagnosis.

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