FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner

Mrs. Castro, a 53-year-old primary care patient of yours, was diagnosed with adult-onset diabetes. The NP will know that Mrs. Castro understands the symptoms of a hyperglycemic reaction if she says which of the following:

  1. “I will experience thirst, always going to the bathroom to pee, and will also have decreased appetite.”
  2. “I may feel flushed cheeks, will have acetone breath, and increased thirst.”
  3. “I may experience nausea, even vomiting, and some episodes of diarrhea.”
  4. “I will experience weight gain, a normal breath, and constant thirst.”
  5. All of the above are true
Answer - B - “I may feel flushed cheeks, will have acetone breath, and increased thirst” is the statement that shows that the client understands the manifestations of a hyperglycemic reaction. All the other choices have one wrong answer or symptom: (A) hunger, not decreased appetite; (C) pain in abdomen, not diarrhea; (D) breath odor of acetone, not normal. Answers such as this are tricky, because you have to pick out the wrong answers from among several right answers.
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