Occupational Therapy Assistant

Category - Implementing Interventions

Your friend Angie has muscular dystrophy. She can still walk around her home using a wheeled walker, but she can no longer manage her grocery shopping. She gets too tired walking behind the shopping cart. What do you recommend to Angie?
  1. Purchase an electric scooter for grocery shopping, and use a reacher to reach for groceries on the higher shelves.
  2. Put a large basket on the wheeled walker and use that for grocery shopping.
  3. Have groceries delivered.
  4. Use the electric scooter already available at the grocery store, and use a reacher to reach for groceries on the higher shelves.
Answer: D. You recommend to Angie that she use the electric scooter already available at the grocery store. And suggest she use a reacher to reach for groceries on the higher shelves. Most larger grocery stores offer wheelchairs and electric scooters with shopping baskets attached as a convenience to their disabled customers. Angie would not need to purchase her own scooter, but could use the store’s scooter instead.
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