Occupational Therapy Assistant

Category - Acquiring Information

Ashley, a first-grade student at your school, has just been diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome. Your OT department has asked you to research this condition because you have not had a student with this diagnosis. What is the best way to obtain information regarding your student’s diagnosis?
  1. Look up the disease on the Internet.
  2. Contact your student’s parents, and ask if her physician provided them with any information about the disease. If they did receive information, request a copy of it.
  3. Contact your student’s physician and request information about the disease.
  4. Ask your student’s teacher for information about the disease.
Answer: B. You would contact the student’s parents and request information they were given about the disease. If your student is newly diagnosed, her parents most likely received information about the disease from the physician. Asking the parents for a copy of the information will insure that you are working from the same understanding of the condition as your student’s parents.
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Additional Answers

Ted Chan, MBA says:

Since a studier asked, Prader-Willi (PWS) is a genetic disorder that causes obesity, intellectual disability, and shortness in height. Prader-Willi syndrome is a genetic disorder usually caused by deletion of a part of chromosome 15 passed down by the father.

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