Your client has moved from state to state and you don't have any records.  However, she reports that every ten year, around the time of her “tenth birthday” (20, 30, 40, 50), she gets very sad, sometimes irritable and upset, abuses alcohol, and spends between ten and twelve months in therapy. You know from the client’s report that she presents every ten years but do not have any of the records. You suspect that an accurate diagnosis would be:

  1. Recurrent Bi-Polar
  2. Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode
  3. Adjustment Disorder
  4. Bereavement
  5. Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent

Answer - E - Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, would be the most likely diagnosis. Records or no records, you know that this client is no stranger to depression and therapy and that once a depressive disorder is revisited, it is considered recurrent. Adjustment disorder would not be an appropriate fit since symptoms last longer than six months, on average. While she may be grieving her age, bereavement is only appropriate in the context of losing people.  While the ten years could be approximate or a coincidence, life course markers can be a trigger for some people feeling depressed. The counselor should seek to be proactive in understanding the feelings that trigger the depressive episodes.

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