CompTIA Server+

Category - Server

You purchase a new RAM chip and want to install it on your server. You test the chip on an identical test server and find that it is compatible. However when you place the chip on the actual server, the new memory is not recognized. What is the most likely cause of the RAM not being recognized on the actual server?
  1. The actual server’s motherboard already has the maximum amount of RAM supported.
  2. You must install new RAM chips in pairs, not individually.
  3. The RAM is faulty.
  4. The RAM is not supported on the actual server.
Answer - A - The actual server’s motherboard already has the maximum amount of RAM supported.

Key Takeaway: Motherboards are usually shipped with documentation that mentions the maximum amount of RAM, processor speed, and hard drive space supported. It is important to check and compare the documentation and the system information before starting out to buy additional hardware for your server. Motherboards do not support components that have a higher rating than the ones mentioned in the documentation.
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