EPPP Psychology

Category - Research Methods and Statistics

You have conducted a study to test the relationship between personality and sex appeal in which there are two indicators for each latent variable (personality and sex appeal). When analyzing the results of this study, you might want to use LISREL in order to:
  1. Assess a causal model involving observed variables that are believed to operate unidirectionally
  2. Assess a causal model involving observed and latent variables that are believed to operate unidirectionally
  3. Assess a causal model involving observed variables that are believed to operate bidirectionally
  4. Assess a causal model involving observed and latent variables that are believed to operate bidirectionally
Answer: D - LISREL (linear structural relationships) is a computer program designed to analyze relationships in each direction (bidirectional rather than unidirectional) between latent variables and between latent variables and their indicators.
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