EPPP Psychology

Category - Treatment, Intervention, Prevention, and Supervision

Operant conditioning, a behaviorist-based treatment approach, involves using reinforcement and punishment as tools to control and maintain behaviors. There are different intervention strategies that use reinforcement. Stimulus control is one strategy; what does it involve?
  1. Removing possible stimuli for the undesirable behavior from the environment
  2. Narrowing the range of stimuli that elicit a particular behavior
  3. Ignoring the urge to behave in a certain manner when confronted with stimuli
  4. Punishment for undesirable behavior that occurs in response to certain stimuli
Answer: B - Stimulus control is a self-control procedure that involves narrowing the range of stimuli that elicit a particular behavior. For instance, someone trying to eat less would limit himself to eating only at specific times and only at a certain table. Other self-control procedures include self-monitoring and self-reinforcement.
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