You are working as RN in cardiac emergency. Which patient would you see first?
  1. A patient with a history of deep vein thrombosis presenting with acute onset dyspnea and pink frothy sputum
  2. A patient presenting with exertional chest pain for last one month
  3. A patient with hypertension on regular medication presenting with postural giddiness
  4. A patient who has come from the medicine ward with an exacerbation of CHF requiring IV furosemide
Answer- A - The patient with a history of deep vein thrombosis presenting with acute onset dyspnea and pink frothy sputum is potentially suffering from pulmonary embolism and needs immediate treatment. Patient ‘B’ is most likely suffering from angina and needs to be attended promptly. Patient ‘C’ is suffering from postural hypotension and can be asked to lie down for a while before doing any intervention.
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