Category - XP

You are constantly dumping your computer with new training videos and other learning content. Your hard drive is an 80 GB ATA and in the last couple of weeks you have added 45 GB of data. Now, the computer takes a long time to open files. Which of the following utilities should you use to arrange the files sequentially on the hard drive?
  1. Disk Cleanup
  2. Disk Manager
  3. Disk Arranger
  4. Disk Defragmenter
Answer - D - To arrange the files sequentially on a hard drive, you should use the Disk Defragmenter utility.

Key Takeaway: The Disk Defragmenter utility is used to rearrange files so that they are stored contiguously on the disk. It was designed to increase access speed by rearranging files stored on a disk to occupy contiguous storage locations. It optimizes the time it takes to read and write files to/from the disk by minimizing head travel time and maximizing the transfer rate. In Windows XP, Disk Defragmenter is also used to improve system startup times.
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