You are a RN working in cardiac emergency and have been asked to triage the following patients before the cardiac physician attends to them. Which patient should be seen first by the emergency room physician?
  1. A patient presenting with history of giddiness and syncope and showing sinus pause in ECG
  2. A patient presenting with history of palpitation and ECG is showing fibrillatory waves and a ventricular rate of 140/minute
  3. A patient of recent myocardial infarction showing occasional ectopic ventricular beat
  4. 17 year old female is complaining of heart palpitations after seeing a horror movie
Answer- A - The patient presenting with history of giddiness and syncope and showing sinus pause in ECG is the one who should see the cardiac physician first.. She is suffering from sinus arrest and thus is in need of urgent intervention. Patient ‘B’ is suffering from atrial fibrillation with fast ventricular rate. AF is rarely life threatening, however patients having fast ventricular rate should also be taken care of on urgent basis. Occasional ectopic ventricular beat in a patient of myocardial infarction is not a serious condition and can be attended later. Patient ‘D’ is suffering from anxiety and can be attended after seeing other patients.
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