Which of these biometric methods is considered the most accurate of the different biometric authentication types?
  1. Iris scan
  2. Retina scan
  3. Facial geometry
  4. Fingerprint scan
Answer: B- A retina scan is the most accurate and dependable of all the biometric authentication types.

Key Takeaway: The retina scan uses the blood vessel pattern at the back of the eye to verify the identity of an individual. This method is more accurate than virtually any other biometric technology. The iris scan method uses the iris pattern of the eyeball to identify an individual. Iris scans can be done regardless of whether the subject is wearing contact lenses or glasses. However, it is necessary for the system to take eye lids and eye lashes into account; both can obscure the necessary parts of the eye and cause false information to be added into automated systems. This biometric method is both easy to use and noninvasive.
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